Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Last year Dayna listed "Thankfuls" from her kids and herself - one for each year of life. Because I am often unoriginal, I hijacked her idea. But we are real life friends, so I think she forgave me.

This was my list from last year.

Interestingly, much of my list is the same this year. Only one year longer.

1. For my marriage. It has been a tough year, but amazingly, we still keep plugging on.

2. For my husband who daily gives me reasons to keep trying to make it work even when I ready to give up.

3. For my children. I may not always appreciate their shenanigans, but I wouldn't have it anyother way.

4. For my friends. They get me through good times and bad. They make me laugh, cry, and celebrate.

5. For my freedom. More and more I realize how lucky I am. And more and more I realize how much others sacrafice for that freedom.

6. For the forgiveness of my mother long before her passing

7. For the wonderful years of friendship that followed

8. For my step father Bruce who loved her more than his own life, and made the end of her life precious

9. For my belief in the afterlife - I know one day I will see those I have lost again.

7. For the love of my father, the one person whose every opinion means more to me than most even when the truth hurts

8. For the family I am lucky to have - we may not all agree all the time, but in good times or bad, I would never trade them for anything.

9. For the family I married into - they bring a new life and character to my life.

10. For experiences that may not always be pleasant, but that all are a part of who I am.

11. For prayer. Because when all hope seems lost, there is always Someone left to turn to.

12. For faith. Because without my faith, I wouldn't turn to Him in times of need.

13. For good neighbors. People who truly care about my family.

14. For my past. It has given me character, charm and even a few scars.

15. For great food - and for my culinary taste in all kinds of it (just dont tell my hips)

16. For my creative spirit that allows me to make beautiful things

17. For the lessons I have learned that have made me a better person

18. For my "little sister" Chrissy who has made me feel worthy to so much - including my mothers memory

19. For my aunt Mary who has held so much of my mother dear to her still

20. For a job I still like to go to most mornings - a job that gives me freedom to do what I love.

21. For honesty

22. For love

23. For honor

24. For chocolate.

25. For clean drinking water.

26. For the release that writing a blog gives me - its therapy for the soul.

27. For the inspiration you all give me daily.

28. For answers to prayer. They remind you why it is important to pray in the first place.

29. For the comraderie and support that this scary place called the internet allows you to receive.

30. For trust. Without it this world would be a scary place.

31. For my home. It may not always be clean, but it is still beautiful.

32. For good music. It gives me something to get lost in when stress gets overwhelming.

33. For good books. They take me away to another place for a short time.

34. For good movies.

35. For the arts.

36. For the generosity of others. Without them we wouldn't be close to a cure for Cancer; Foundations to help kids, and families in need; food on foodshelves; blood donors, plasma donors; and good people doing good things for others.

37. For YOU!
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