Or are "they" just really irritating?
I work in a position where I get a lot of really C-A-R-A-Z-Y phone calls!
I am apparently easily confused with Knox Answer Booth, or City Complaint Central, and in some rare cases, as someone who cares!
For instance, last winter...
Little old lady:
I need you to come shovel out the end of my driveway for me!
I am sorry ma'am, I think you have the wrong number!
Little old lady:
Well aren't you the one who orders the plows to plow my street?
No, depending on where you live, that would either be the City or County Highway Department.
Little old lady:
Well you work for the City, so I need you to come remove the snow that you left in front of my driveway.
Ma'am I am very sorry for the confusion, I actually do not work for the City, I work for the ... we are a non profit organization, and while we do special projects with the City, we are actually not part of the City.
Little old lady:
I don't care about what projects you do, or what you do at your job for that matter, I only care that there is a large pile of snow in front of my driveway and I want you to come remove it. Thank you. CLICK!
I do not believe I will ever forget that conversation! Especially since I am POSITIVE she just called me again...
This time she wanted me to send someone to exterminate some pesky multi legged varmints from her basement.
Little old lady:
I need you to send that guy that drives around in the green and white vans to get rid of the bugs in my basement!
Which green and white van is that?
Little old lady:
I think its called ...
I can give you the phone number and you can call him!
Little old lady:
If I wanted to call him myself, I would have taken the number down yesterday when the van was in my neighborhood.
... I was stunned! I don't even remember how I ended my side of the conversation, but I do remember how she ended hers!
I bet you can guess it!
1 week ago