Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pile it on...

Today I opened medical bills from the last 4 weeks of hospital stays, surgeries, an ambulance ride, 3 visits to the emergency room, and countless other appointments.

It appears that once again I have max'd out my co-pay for this year. To the tune of $5,000.

This wouldn't bother me so much, but last year between my physical therapy, trip to Mayo for my Fibro, and kidney stones in November I max'd that co-pay out too. Add to that Jadon's 9 day stint at Children's in Minneapolis - now max'ing out the family co-pay to the jig of $10,000.

All of last years medical expenses were payable this year.

Because my most recent kidney stuff happened just now, we are too far away to carry it over to next year, so in the 2008 calendar year, out of pocket, we will have paid $15,000 in medical bills.

The good news is, if the stone that I still have in my left kidney needs assistance coming out, I won't have to pay any more out of pocket. The bad news is, we were just starting to to see the light at the end of the tunnel called our finances, and now we are back behind the proverbial "8 ball".

We just can't seem to get caught up, let alone ahead.

But we are healthy. Well, we are getting there...
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