I take a lot of pictures. I am not very good at it. I suck at uploading them, and horrible at printing them out. But here are some of my favorite people pictures.
My favorite picture of 2007...
My favorite picture of 2007...
Jim riding Jadon's bike during the family's version of the Susan G. Komen Walk for the Cure on Mothers Day. We do it in my moms very small home town of Heron Lake.
This is the part of the family that was able to walk that day. There are usually 40 or more of us. (I will be posting the pictures in another post)
My boys and Mantha toodling on Jet Ski's! Mantha riding side saddle? She is a poser for sure!
This was taken at my grandmothers 90th Birthday Family Reunion weekend. It was so much fun! Dan from Alaska and Cath, Rod and RJ from Colorado joined us in the fun! Most of the family came. Even my dad and stepmom came!
The "Queen Mother", the Matriarch of our family - Grandma Margaret turned 90 on December 13, 2006. We celebrated twice. Once last Christmas, and then a whole week on a lake! She deserved the extra attention.

Its rare that I get on the other side of the camera (I hate pictures), its not a great picture, but my aunt Pat (who is like a second mother to me since my mom has been gone) is in it and that is why I love it!.
Mantha is a poser. She is natural at it. I love this picture of her. Its the most natural pose!

Lady, Doodle and Cuddle Bug's posing for the camera. This is the first time in 3 years that I have gotten all three kids to sit together for a picture. Not surprising, Cuddle wasnt looking!
During the month that Dayna actually lived in Wisconsin, I spent a few days helping with medical appointments and house hunting. My dream didn't last long, but as always I had fun visiting!
I love this one of Mitz and Alex!
This is one of my favorites partly because of the conversation that was taking place while I took it - Jadon was telling Mantha to "look at all those little fella's". It was a bucket of minnows. Stinky slimy little fish used for bait. But it made for a great picture!
This is Mantha's bff Bailey. She went camping with us for Manta's 10th Birthday. This deadwood tree was a climbing tree for the kids all weekend. I Bailey was the only one that posed for a picture.
I have some fun pictures without people that I will post in another window. This finishes out my "favorite people pictures" of 2007!