Sunday, September 7, 2008

Two awards from my pal Heidi (blushing)

Heidi over at Minnesota Mom is giving me all sorts of love today! She has given me to awards that I hope I can live up to... Some days my cynicism gets the best of me, but luckily she sees through my naughtiness and sees mostly the nice! Thanks Heidi!

The Awards

These awards were passed on to her by Esther:

Thank you Heidi! And ditto!!

And Johanna & Joanna:

Thank you Heidi! I have a motto - if you smile, no one will know you are really: mad, sad, crabby - whatever. So smile - they uses less muscles than a frown and don't cause wrinkles in bad places!

The "Smile Award" has some rules - but they are easy - if you are already smiling, you have already passed the test! Heidi asked that the people who receive these awards visit the awarders (not a real word? I don't care, I'm smilin' so I can make a few mistakes!).

Now, the characteristics for the Smile Award are:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times–we are all human).
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes. (hey I just met that characteristic! Whew!)
4. Must learn from others.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world. (I don't know if I met this one...)
6. Must love life.
7. Must love kids.

There are rules attached... Here are they are:
1. The recipient must link back to the awards creator (
The Babblings of Mere).
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award (see above). (not sure if I met this one...)
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.

I am choosing to pass these awards on to 5 very special bloggers (you will find they are five of my favorite haunts). As to not pick favorites among them, I am going to list them in the order they appear on my RSS Feeds this morning:

1. A woman after my own heart. She has been through more in the past few months, yet still held strong to her faith. She has brought thousands - and yes, I mean thousands - together to not only rally for her and her baby, but also to rally for a greater cause - MckMama at My Charming Kids is very worthy of both of these awards!

2. I just met Katie at Overflowing Brain this week. But she is addicting and inspiring. At 25 she has been through so much more than anyone that age should have to. She is cynical like me - which makes me adore her even more - and she is very open about it. That makes me smile! She already has me on the edge of my seat as I watch hurricanes come marching in like ants in a storm (I'm sorry, but I now have the song in my head).

... clearing mind of "the ants go marching one by one..." ...

Ok, back...

3. This next blogger is new to my bloggy haunts, but I cannot get enough of her! Her humor, and her love of her boys makes me smile, and makes me giggle uncontrollably! She also lives in a really rockin' area of this country - Serena at Zip & Tizzy will make your day - and the pictures of her boys (usually hidden by something adorned on their heads) will warm your heart.

4. Jessica at Thoughtful Reflections makes me think. Sometimes harder than I want to. Sometimes in such a humorous way that I nearly pee my pants -what is it with White Vans anyway? She can get really deep, or she can be a wealth of knowledge. Sometimes she is just really funny.

5. Fadkog over at For A Different Kind of Girl - well I stalk her. And I adore her. She is naughty, and biting, and naughty, but oh so nice. And she says it like it is. And the love for her boys and tool man - unmeasurable (double e intended). Her writing style blows my mind. She makes me smile, and that is what is all about.

So there you have it. I have quite a few others that I would like to give these to, but since it said 5, I will follow the rules laid before me.

And if I could "backs" these awards, I would give them back to Heidi - but since someone beat me to the punch, instead I will leave her with this:

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