Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday September 30th, 2001
Monday, September 29, 2008
Seven years ago today...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Happy Birthday Mantha
You are right, you are a big girl now, but don't forget, I have bribery! Lucky for you, most of those pictures aren't digital and I don't feel like scanning them tonight!
This has always and probably will always be my favorite picture of you. It is so whimsical. Just like you are. And it is beautiful. Just like you are.
Not Me Monday Part II
I did not just eat a whole crap load of whirly pop pop corn all by myself at 9:00 pm.
I did not clear out any of the kids' movies on our DVR to make room for more of mine. I didn't do it. Nope...
I did not get
I did not eat red meat, dairy and carbonated beverages all weekend when it is all explicitly against my Urologists orders. Nope, that wasn't Prime Rib last night, it was a very well masked slab of Tofu.
I did not use my
Friday, September 26, 2008
Silly stuff on a late Friday night...
Circa 1990 Circa 1994
Scary thing is I think I was wearing 1966 just two short years ago.... eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkk... (1976 actually looks a little like that picture of my mom in my side bar.... hmmmm...)
And 1994 - well that could have been my photo. S.C.A.R.Y. My what big hands I had!
Want to check yourself out? Go to: http://www.yearbookyourself.com/
How many more days...
How many more days can we afford to wake up in the morning and see another headline screaming immenent doom?
What the hell is happening to this country? Maybe that is the answer. Maybe Hell is happening to this country.
Do the people who are fighting over what to do about it, and those who are falling apart realize that they need to take a long hard look in the mirror?
Why do we, the struggling citizens of this country, ALLOW the people we voted for, the people who are supposed to represent OUR BEST INTEREST make decisions that place us further behind the 8 Ball?
How many more days can we survive at the rate we are going? How many more days do we have to bail out bad business practices and poor investment decisions?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Dear
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mckmama and Stellan are in need of your prayers again
Things have been going so well that we all have held out hope that God heard our prayers and made his plans for Stellan the same as Mckmama's and her entire Mckfamily.
But today in her post "Be patient child I am not finished with you yet", she revealed that Stellan is again in dire need of support and prayer, and and more importantly, is in dire need of divine intervention should he be allowed to live on this earth with his wonderfully amazing family.
Something you will find enchanting about Mckmama is that even in her need, she still finds time to share the good things in her life. So please, if you would be so kind as to think of them, maybe say a prayer and visit her through the link above and read, patiently, through the entire post.
I believe in God. I may not always be a good Catholic, but I do believe in the power of prayer.
Thank you!
While you are thinking about them and saying a little prayer for Stellan, can you also say a little extra one that the biopsy Mckmama is having in two weeks is not pre Cancer - or God forbid, Cancer - and pray that the cyst on her ovary is nary more than a bothersome nothing (this she wont know until Stellan's birthday on October 29th).
More "Not Me's" ON Monday
I did not get in the shower at 7:35 knowing we needed to leave at 7:50.
I did not decide while in the shower that I would just put on pj's and take the kids to school and then come back and get dressed.
And I did not come back with the plan to get dressed but instead got online and read more "Not Me's" on Mckmama's blog!
Nope, not me!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Not Me Monday
So in true creative (almost 32 weeks pregnant and Stellan is rockin') fashion, she decided to make this a Monday staple.
So why do it Sunday? Well, she has a busy day tomorrow, and well, we are all so dedicated that we are
Not Me Monday - 1st Edition:
I did not just take my laptop away from Jim so I could check on MckMama, and all of my other bloggy friends.
I did not spend all day today in my pj's - cleaning a little here and there, but mostly just sitting around hanging out in the internets.
I certainly did not spend all day indoors when it was beautiful outside - re watching old DVR events, I just did not!
I did not go to the cities on Friday and spend money on things I didn't need, barely wanted, and clearly should not have purchased while telling Jim that he was on a tight budget this weekend.
NO, I did not!
I did not for the 3,631,483 time think about starting a diet this week and then eat 4 pieces of garlic bread for dinner.
I did not not order that testing kit my doctor asked me to order almost a month ago and do it this weekend. And I will not call tomorrow and reschedule my appointment with him so I can buy myself some more time. (side note: if I don't do it soon I have a feeling he will be knocking on my door as he already threatened that "this time" I had better follow his recommendations or I will lose my kidney. I did not ignore his idle threats and procrastinate again... nope, I did not!).
I did not ask my husband if I could go to an Arts Grant Writing seminar on Tuesday instead of making him some wonderfully fabulous birthday dinner complete with cake, slippers and a pipe (well ok, I did not just over exaggerate that a titch).
I will post more tomorrow as I just realized I did not make the kids' lunches yet, and I need to do that so I can go to bed.
So your turn!
If you decide to participate, would you be willing to go visit her at mycharmingkids and add your name to the list of "Not Me's"?
I did not hang my grandmothers oriental rug over the deck rail all day and then bring it in without vacuuming it first.
I did not just discover that several species of multi legged creatures came in with the rug.
I will not admit that I am A.f.R.a.I.d. of all things multimorethanfourlegged.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Great minds, and resignations
Last night the conversations went from bad to "what the?" - and not with the usual suspect. This time it was the nearly 11 year old.
Set the stage:
1. Big Brother Finale
1b. Biggest Loser
2. Bed time for babe's
Do these teachers not understand bed times? Do they not know what a nightly routine is? Do they not understand the prime time lineup (which BTW, NBC, please read the TV Guide before you schedule a 2 hour Biggest Loser during my Big Brother. Not a good move NBC, not a good move!)?
I know, it sounds like I put TV before my child, but really I did not. I instead marched my double wide booty and my nearly 11 year old into the band room and
As we wait, and wait, and wait (which I discovered while waiting, nearly half of those in attendance didn't get the notice that they had an assigned time, and came when it started because they, like me, had "other things to do" between 7 and 9 last night - uh huh, we parents all get the Prime Time schedule. We all read TV Guide. We know where its at!) and finally get up to the table to make our rental/purchase, I find out that the music company DOES NOT RENT OBOE's! Oh no, they don't rent them! Do you know why? Because that lovely piece of musical dreaminess costs.too.much.to.rent!
Who'da thunk that the most obnoxiously sounding instrument is the most expensive instrument to purchase. To the tune of $3,265 (I think the one he was trying to see me one made of gold - funny that it is made of wood...).
(brief pause to administer smelling salts)
Ok, I am back (you do realize this is only setting the stage for the incident that caused my mommy demise right? Ok good!).
So I sit down in the chairs to
So back to the line we go. And we wait, and wait and wait (because now the 6:30 crowd has arrived). Finally our turn, and Mr. Music Man says to me, "I forgot to ask you if Mr. S told you the school owns an Oboe that you can rent".
(brief pause to administer more smelling salts)
With a bright and beaming smile I say, "no, you did not ask me that the last time
So we get through that pleasant converstation, and as we walk out of the band room with less of a load out of my pocket - I will take the $30 a year rent over the $3,265 purchase price any day - only to hear - "Oh, Mrs. N, did you happen to purchase her Theory and Music Books and Music Stand from Mr. Music Man yet?"
(brief pause so I can regain my composure - forget the &*^$#@ smelling salts)
Yep, back into that line. The one that now occupies the remnants of the 6:30 crowd, intermingled with the now entering 7:00 crowd.
Finally, back to stare Mr. Music Man in the eye. You see, the poor man kept getting stuck with me. Not because of bad luck, no no, it was kharma man, all kharma. Don't do the job right the first time, well then, try and try again!
Books and stand in hand, worn out soles from walking back and forth, and a smile now permanently frozen in a stage of fakeness on my face, almost an hour and 40 minutes later, we are walking out of the school (so much for that half hour it was supposed to take).
You know, the usual suspects of parent retoric.
Sigh. That means I also get doggy duty this weekend (hehehe I said doody). I wonder if he will be able to read "I quit" if I put a slice of peanut butter coated bacon on the note?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My favorite time of year...
I love Fall.
I love the beauty in the colors.
I love the crispness in the air that brings cool fall breezes.
I love that this afternoon I curled up in two fleece blankets, listening to the cool rain fall outside my open window. If it had been any cooler, we would have lit a fire in the fireplace.
I love Fall.
....and admittedly, I love Winter too, but don't tell anyone!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Where did that smile go
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
You had a bad day...
I have been having a bad week.
Things that are hard to look past.
Conversations that needed to be had.
Issues that still aren't resolved.
And the other party is pretending there is nothing wrong.
Am I wrong to not want to let this sleeping dog lie? Or shall I leave it for now and hope for the best?
A question I will have to sleep on.
Thanks for listening (nay, reading)!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Two awards from my pal Heidi (blushing)
Thank you Heidi! And ditto!!
And Johanna & Joanna:
Thank you Heidi! I have a motto - if you smile, no one will know you are really: mad, sad, crabby - whatever. So smile - they uses less muscles than a frown and don't cause wrinkles in bad places!
The "Smile Award" has some rules - but they are easy - if you are already smiling, you have already passed the test! Heidi asked that the people who receive these awards visit the awarders (not a real word? I don't care, I'm smilin' so I can make a few mistakes!).
Now, the characteristics for the Smile Award are:
1. Must display a cheerful attitude. (not necessarily at all times–we are all human).
2. Must love one another.
3. Must make mistakes. (hey I just met that characteristic! Whew!)
4. Must learn from others.
5. Must be a positive contributor to blog world. (I don't know if I met this one...)
6. Must love life.
7. Must love kids.
There are rules attached... Here are they are:
1. The recipient must link back to the awards creator (The Babblings of Mere).
2. You must post these rules if you receive the award.
3. You must choose 5 people to receive the award after receiving it yourself.
4. You must fit the characteristics of the recipient of the award (see above). (not sure if I met this one...)
5. You must post the characteristics of a recipient.
6. You must create a post sharing your win with others.
7. You must thank your giver.
I am choosing to pass these awards on to 5 very special bloggers (you will find they are five of my favorite haunts). As to not pick favorites among them, I am going to list them in the order they appear on my RSS Feeds this morning:
1. A woman after my own heart. She has been through more in the past few months, yet still held strong to her faith. She has brought thousands - and yes, I mean thousands - together to not only rally for her and her baby, but also to rally for a greater cause - MckMama at My Charming Kids is very worthy of both of these awards!
2. I just met Katie at Overflowing Brain this week. But she is addicting and inspiring. At 25 she has been through so much more than anyone that age should have to. She is cynical like me - which makes me adore her even more - and she is very open about it. That makes me smile! She already has me on the edge of my seat as I watch hurricanes come marching in like ants in a storm (I'm sorry, but I now have the song in my head).
... clearing mind of "the ants go marching one by one..." ...
Ok, back...
3. This next blogger is new to my bloggy haunts, but I cannot get enough of her! Her humor, and her love of her boys makes me smile, and makes me giggle uncontrollably! She also lives in a really rockin' area of this country - Serena at Zip & Tizzy will make your day - and the pictures of her boys (usually hidden by something adorned on their heads) will warm your heart.
4. Jessica at Thoughtful Reflections makes me think. Sometimes harder than I want to. Sometimes in such a humorous way that I nearly pee my pants -what is it with White Vans anyway? She can get really deep, or she can be a wealth of knowledge. Sometimes she is just really funny.
5. Fadkog over at For A Different Kind of Girl - well I stalk her. And I adore her. She is naughty, and biting, and naughty, but oh so nice. And she says it like it is. And the love for her boys and tool man - unmeasurable (double e intended). Her writing style blows my mind. She makes me smile, and that is what is all about.
So there you have it. I have quite a few others that I would like to give these to, but since it said 5, I will follow the rules laid before me.
And if I could "backs" these awards, I would give them back to Heidi - but since someone beat me to the punch, instead I will leave her with this:
Friday, September 5, 2008
30 Seconds
All it took to bring tears to my eyes.
And a wave of memories rush over me at once.
Maybe because it has touched my life so closely.
My mother.
My aunts - two of them.
My friends - countless.
People whose names I know well.
People whose names I may have never heard.
I stood up to Cancer.
Did you?
Will you?
It took only 30 seconds for the tears to flow. It took only 30 seconds for the memories to flood.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Name that body part
First day!
Check out the Thomas lunch bag - he was so excited to bring "cold lunch" to school today. He didn't speak one word to Mrs. R. when we went for conference on Tuesday. The ice breaker today? His Thomas lunch bag.